About Kuve
Innovative & Caring Natural TherapistReleasing intergenerational trauma and patterns from your DNA
Welcome to discovering your well-being, naturally and painlessly.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and this is why you have found your way here.
Feel free to contact me and let’s talk about how I can help you with your physical or emotional concerns and questions.
I’m Kuve, a Natural Therapist on a mission to help you, by combining innovative natural therapies for wellness and fertility, supporting you to find peace, harmony and balance in your mind and body.
I started working with natural therapies in San Francisco back in the 90’s, many, many years ago. I can’t believe it! I am an Internationally known natural therapist, and I now consultant and reside on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia.
I am originally from Prague and my real name is Kvetuse. In true Australian style, to make it easier my classmates shortened it to Kuve. You pronounce it Koo-vee.
I found my purpose because of a personal desire to heal aspects of my life. I know first-hand how revitalised and burden free you can feel when you release and let go of that which no longer serves you.
The work I do is unique and very innovative. I take a holistic approach, combining a powerful fusion of natural energetic healing and a combination of emotional release techniques and practices that focus on wellness and address very sensitive issues for my clients. I work with clients from all over the world and feel blessed to be part of their healing journey. I take their trust in me very seriously.
My natural therapy clients describe me as a gifted practioner, reassuring, understanding, caring, and loving. They also say that the work we have done together is powerful and transformational, unlike anything else, and that they were blown away.
I am passionate and dedicated to providing you with the best outcomes. To be at my best for you, I am constantly expanding my professional and personal development.
My work is non-invasive, and the key areas are at the core of my work.
- Releasing the heart pain that is called “The Heart Wall.”
- Helping you release past and present emotional traumas.
- Releasing Intergenerational inherited patterns and blocks.
- Increasing your chances of naturally falling pregnant through Calm Conception.
Click here to learn more about the The Body Code, The Emotion Code, or Calm Conception.
Cert. Body Code Practitioner
Cert. Emotion Code Practitioner
Cert. Self Hypnosis
Cert. Usui Method of Natural Healing
Reiki 1
Cert. Usui Method of Natural Healing
Reiki 2
Cert. Usui Method of Natural Healing
Reiki Master
Cert. Usui Method of Natural Healing
Reiki Master Teacher