Calm Conception
Another way of getting pregnantHelp Getting Pregnant Naturally
Did you know that 15% of Couples need assistance getting pregnant?
What causes infertility in Men & Women?
Through Calm Conception, Kuve has established a different way to help clients getting pregnant.
She identifies and then releases any imbalances, emotions or stress that could be affecting clients chances of falling pregnant naturally. She has found that this can make all the difference – whether they are a woman or a man.
There are many reasons why couples have difficulties falling pregnant. In the past infertility was greater in women than men, and now that has changed.
According to Professor Rob McLauchlan, Healthy Male Medical Director, 1/3 of all infertility is due exclusively to the male. In fact, 1 in 20 men have a fertility issue.
He goes on the say that men contribute to half of all infertility.
Infertility causes are NOT only because of physical issues.
Whilst there are many physical reasons why people may struggle to fall pregnant, there are many cases where it is difficult to identify the cause.
Between 10-30% of couples trying to get pregnant never find out why they can’t.
Kuve has had nearly 30 years experience helping people release imbalances and emotional blocks, and knows
first-hand that your subconscious mind and your past experiences, can have more to do with your physical outcomes in life than you may realise.
All the therapies Kuve specialises in support and complement conventional Western medicine.
The fertility journey is a very personal one, and Kuve helps and supports clients through this very intimate and hopeful time in life.

Scroll down to learn more about Calm Conception – tailored for your pregnancy challenges.
Calm Mind
Calm Body
Calm Conception
Let’s Take the Stress Away
Calm Conception
Helping You Fall Pregnant Naturally
Calm Conception supports couples and individuals on their fertility journey, and increasing their chances of falling pregnant naturally.
Kuve uses a powerful fusion of both energetic healing and emotional release techniques that focus on wellness to release any imbalances emotions or stress that may be hindering your ability to conceive, whether you are a woman or a man.
This brings harmony to relationships and provides a calm environment that will assist conception to occur naturally.
Kuve will support you to:
- Navigate your fertility journey with calmness.
- Open your heart and body to the possibility of conceiving.
- Take back control of your emotions and reclaim the joy in both your life and your fertility journey.
- Reduce stress and maintain balance in your mind and body.
- Re-connect and establish intimacy with your partner (if you have one).
- Facilitate calm communication and connection with your loved ones and those around you, so that you have the support you desire.
- Plus – any other issues that are identified.
Want to know more about Calm Conception?
Contact Kuve for your Complimentary 30-minute Consultation.